
Hypothermia – symptoms, first aid for hypothermia and frostbite

Hypothermia is divided into three stages:

  1. MILD.
    Temperature drops to the first critical mark of 35-34 °C. Shivering appears – heat release through muscle activity. Vessels constrict – skin turns pale. At this stage it is easy to get frostbite. The metabolism slows down, so the person feels lethargy, apathy, critical thinking suffers. Symptoms of mild hypothermia include memory problems, a person can’t remember where they are going or where they are going from. If hypothermia begins in nature at this point it is easy to lose your bearings. Hunger and fatigue exacerbate the symptoms.
    Body temperature drops to 30 °C. Pulse is weak – heart slows down to keep warm and protect the brain. Skin becomes cold, bloodless – a characteristic marbled hue. Limbs are difficult to bend. Metabolism and chemical reactions in the nervous system are disrupted. Impaired consciousness progresses – severe drowsiness, speech disorders, sometimes hallucinations begin.
  3. SEVERE.
    Low temperature, up to 27 ° C or lower. The person loses consciousness, limbs stiffen, severe frostbite. Pulse almost disappears – you can feel it on the carotid artery. Breathing problems begin – infrequent and intermittent. At this stage, the pupils do not respond to light, and the heart may stop.

The first companion of hypothermia is frostbite of the extremities. Capillaries spasm occurs, the tissues do not get enough oxygen and nutrition. The process occurs at different stages of hypothermia. The negative effects are exacerbated by:

hunger and overexertion;
immobility or an uncomfortable position;
cramped shoes;
wet clothing;
a weakened immune system;
vascular disease;
mechanical injuries;
blood loss;
alcohol intoxication.
First Aid Means for Hypothermia
If the victim has signs of hypothermia, the goal of first aid is to stop the loss of heat. At all stages of hypothermia or frostbite, hot baths or showers are prohibited. The patient should not be taken into a hot room, rubbed with snow or given alcohol.

First aid for hypothermia
Create conditions so that the body can warm up – pull the victim out of the water or snow, leave the cold room or open area.

Warm the patient.
Take off wet clothing, pay special attention to shoes.
Cover with a warm blanket, put a hot water bottle, warm the patient’s body or organize another source of warmth.
If possible, arrange a warm bath or shower. Increase the temperature of the water gradually, barely warm at first. So that a sharp increase in blood circulation does not destroy blood vessels. Water is gradually brought to 40 ° C. Take a bath until the body temperature rises to a mild hypothermia – 34 ° C.
With severe hypothermia first aid is not enough. You need to call a doctor or take the victim to the hospital.

First aid for frostbite
You need to remove the patient from the frost, gradually warm the frostbitten area, rub it with your hand until the redness. This is done carefully, increasing the pressure gradually so as not to damage the blood vessels. After giving the patient a warm, not hot drink.
When the limb returns to sensitivity, the victim feels pain in the affected area, it is necessary to prepare a painkiller in advance.
Then the limb is wrapped with a warm cloth and fixed on a bandage, so that the swelling is less. With severe frostbite the patient is taken to the hospital. Before this the patient is thoroughly insulated.
Do not put frostbitten hands on a radiator or other hot surfaces, rub with snow or grease.
Prevention of hypothermia
Protective measures are divided into two stages:

    Passive protection is properly selected clothing that has three separate layers:
    A base layer – wicks moisture away from the skin. The best option is thermal underwear.
    Thermo-insulating – retains heat.
    Protective – prevents moisture from getting inside. In modern jackets – it is a waterproof membrane.
    Clothing must be clean, dirt prevents moisture from evaporating.
    To replenish body heat will help food, it is better to choose high-calorie portions, dense lunch before going out. Thermos with warm drink will keep you warm. In the cold one does not feel thirsty, so dehydration is easier to get than in the heat, and the lack of water in the body increases the symptoms of hypothermia.

An outside source of heat is the easiest way to get warm. You should pause and go indoors when walking around town. Thermochemical and electric warmers are a suitable option.